
Well, you might have got an idea what kind of thinking and dealing I am talking about. Dealing with this elders actually means challenging my patience and testing my limits to see how far I can control my tongue, which has no bones but sharp as a blade. Whenever I have to give a debate or atleast a conversation I end up agreeing for them not because they are right but I dont earn any cent proving them wrong but Hate for sure. Sometimes I dont know why my tongue slips and it slaps their faces indirectly thats why i feel it better to stay silent than say something I know this is not the best solution but making them feel angry about small things is not my kind of attitude. Its seriously hard dealing with elders because they think they know the world though their thinking resembles 1970's ideas and we are future range fuckers. Even a few hours of time feels like days of work put together. When you do your work perfectly and there's only one small mistake that small mist...